Opening Ceremony Arrival of Speakers and Participants [Join Here] |
Opening & Housekeeping announcements Doa Recitation |
Welcome Address Prof Dr Zabidi A. M. Hussin, Pro Vice Chancellor, Academic, International Medical University, Malaysia |
Welcome Remark Prof Dr Miyazaki Satoru Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science, Japan |
Welcome Remark A/Prof Dr Shariza Sahudin, Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia |
Opening Remark |
- Cultural Performance - Cake Cutting - Group Photo |
Tea Break |
Plenary 1 [Join Here] New approach for breast cancer stratification based on cancer genomics Prof Dr Kazunori Akimoto, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science, Japan |
Invited Lectures [Join Here] Title : Stimulating innovation in nanomedicine: The dance of Davids and Goliaths Dr Yusrizam Sharifuddin, National Nanotechnology Centre, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) Title : Cultivating interprofessional practice and learning A/Prof Dr Wong Pei Se, International Medical University, Malaysia Title : Microneedle assisted transdermal delivery of antimigraine drugs Prof Dr Buchi N Nalluri, KL College of Pharmacy, KLEF, India |
Lunch Break (Pre-Recorded Poster Presentation Session) |
Plenary 2 [Join Here] Design and synthesis of metallosupramolecular complexes and their applications to bioorganic chemistry and biomedical sciences in association with 10 years of iPoPs Prof Dr Shin Aoki Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Sciences, Japan |
Pre-Recorded Poster Presentation Session |
Invited Lectures (Room A) [Join Here] Title : Development of bioactive nanosystems with optimized pharmacokinetic properties Prof Dr Makiya Nishikawa, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science, Japan Title : Lactic acid bacteria for disease prevention: nipping gut issues in the bud A/Prof Dr Lim Siong Meng, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia |
Invited Lectures (Room B) [Join Here] Title : Effect of nutrition therapy on cancer-related fatigue Prof Dr Kazumi Yoshizawa, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science, Japan Title : HtrA as a bacterial drug target A/Prof Dr Joel Tyndall, School of Pharmacy, University of Otago, New Zealand |
Oral Presentation Session 1 (Live Session) Breakout Sessions (BS) 1. Pharmaceutical Technology [Join Here] 2. Life Sciences (Pharmacology & Toxicology, Biotechnology, Cancer Biology, Cell Biology and other diseases) [Join Here] 3. Medicinal & Pharmaceutical Chemistry (including Nutraceuticals, Cosmetic Sciences, and relevant pharmaceutical areas) [Join Here] |
Plenary 3 [Join Here] Nanomaterials as Tools to Dissect Disease Pathology A/Prof Dr Jason R. McCarthy Masonic Medical Research Institute, USA |
Plenary 4 [Join Here] Precision Medicine - Perspective of Pharmaceutical Technology Prof Dr Wong Tin Wui, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia |
Plenary 5 [Join Here] Birth of a new contraceptive, from concept to present day US Market Status Prof Dr Sanjay Garg University of South Adelaide, Australia |
Tea Break |
Oral Presentation Session 2 (Live Session) Breakout Sessions (BS) 1. Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacy Practice (including Pharmacy Education) [Join Here] |
Lunch Break |
Invited Lectures (Room A) [Join Here] Title : The design and development of Keap-Nrf2 interaction inhibitors and their biological activity A/Prof Dr Geoffrey Wells, University of London, United Kingdom Title : In vitro and in silico antidiabetic studies of 5,7,8-tryhydroxyflavone Prof Dr Qamar U. Ahmed, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia Title : Design and synthesis of cyclometalated iridium complex-peptide hybrids for the induction of programmed cell death in cancer cells Dr Kenta Yokoi, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science, Japan Title : Dereplication; eliminating the dependence on chromatographic condition A/Prof Dr Nurhuda Manshoor, School of Pharmacy, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia |
Invited Lectures (Room B) [Join Here] Title: Dashboard systems and software tools for precision dosing Prof Dr Surulivel Rajan M, Maniapl College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, India Title: Structure-function analysis of cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) alleles: kinetic and computational modeling studies Prof Dr Ong Chin Eng, International Medical University, Malaysia Title: Digital health research: challenge and opportunity Dr. Mohd Aizuddin Bin Abd Rahman, Digital Health Research and Innovation (DHRi) Unit, Institute for Clinical Research (ICR), MOH, Malaysia Title: The road to product market fit in digital health ShiZhen Saw, HealthMetrics, Malaysia |
Plenary 6 [Join Here] Artificial intelligence in drug discovery 2022 – Aspects of validation, data, and where we are on the hype cycle - Prof Dr Andres Bender University of Cambridge, United Kingdom |
Closing & Ceremony Award [Join Here] Award Presentations Closing speech by Prof Dr Mohd Zulkefeli Bin Mat Jusoh |
Workshop 1 |
This workshop will introduce participants to the use of Python and SQL for Health Data Analytics and Visualization. The first day will mostly showcase examples of Health Data Analytics applications. It will also introduce participants to the fundamentals of Python and SQL using simple examples. The second day will provide participants with hands-on experience of using Python and SQL for Health Data Analytics and Visualization.
Showcase examples of the use of Python and SQL for Health Data Analytics and Visualization
Introduce the fundamentals of Python and SQL using simple examples
Provide Hands-On Experience on how to use Python and SQL for Health Data Analytics and Visualization
Prof Patrice Boursier (Programme Director, Master in Health Informatics and Analytics, International Medical University)
Dr Tan Ee Xion (Programme Director, Bachelor in Digital Health, International Medical University)
Workshop 2 Computational Structure-based Screening and Explicit Molecular Dynamics Dr Vasudeva Rao Avupati (Senior Lecturer, International Medical University) |
A two-day cloud-based workshop targeting structure-based drug design (SBDD). Both theory and hands-on training will be provided by experienced computational chemists. Participants will be facilitated in small group interactive sessions with personalised instructions.
To obtain knowledge in the theory and concept of structure-based drug design
To perform molecular docking and analyse the protein-ligand interactions
To perform molecular dynamics and analyse the dynamic behaviour of the protein and ligand interactions
Dr Vasudeva Rao Avupati (Senior Lecturer, International Medical University)
Dr Cheong Siew Lee (Senior Lecturer, International Medical University)
Mak-Kit Kay (Lecturer, International Medical University)
Schrodinger Team
Workshop 3 Computer-assisted Structure Elucidation and Verification of Natural Products Dr Sreenivasa Rao Sagineedu (Senior Lecturer, International Medical University) |
Throughout the 2-day workshop, the participants will be gaining essential knowledge and skills in structure elucidation of natural products using traditional and computer-assisted approaches. At the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to confidently solve the structures of small molecules by interpreting NMR and MASS spectra.
To discuss the principles and applications of NMR and mass spectroscopy
To process NMR data and perform spectral analysis
To interpret the 1D- and 2D-NMR and MASS spectra using traditional and computer-assisted approaches
To elucidate the structures of small organic molecules by analysing various spectra
Dr Sreenivasa Rao Sagineedu (Senior Lecturer, International Medical University)
Milesh Joseph (Application Scientist, ACD/Labs)
Dr Teo Chian Ying (Lecturer, International Medical University)
Dr Low May Lee (Senior Lecturer, International Medical University)
Workshop 4 Applying 'Quality by Design' (QbD) in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form Development Dr Prakash Muthudoss (Advance Analytics, Oncogen Pharma(M) Sdn Bhd) |
The industrial manufacturers always seek to reduce the time needed for the product development and optimisation of a manufacturing process without compromising the quality. One of the industry initiatives to supported by regulations on product development is the quality by design (QbD).  The QbD is a systematic approach to development that begins with predefined objectives and emphasizes product and process understanding and process control, based on sound science and quality risk management. The design of experiment (DOE) is greatly used in the optimization of products, formulations, and processes. This workshop will provide an overview of QbD through lectures and hands-on experience on DOE.  This workshop will help participants to understand the DOE process and trouble shoot possible errors encountered. In addition, the workshop will be a platform for interaction between academia and industry.
To highlight the significance of QbD in the product development cycle
To discover the optimization principles using DOE
To provide understanding of various DOE models
To provide networking and collaboration opportunities between academia and pharma industry
Dr Prakash Muthudoss (Senior Manager, Advance Analytics, Oncogen Pharma(M) Sdn Bhd)
Dr Vinod L. Gaikwad (Assistant Professor, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) Hajipur, India)
Samir Das (Manager, Formulation Development, Oncogen Pharma (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd)
Dr Thiagarajan Madheswaran (Senior Lecturer, Acting Head of Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, International Medical University)
Workshop 1 |
This workshop will introduce participants to the use of Python and SQL for Health Data Analytics and Visualization. The first day will mostly showcase examples of Health Data Analytics applications. It will also introduce participants to the fundamentals of Python and SQL using simple examples. The second day will provide participants with hands-on experience of using Python and SQL for Health Data Analytics and Visualization.
Showcase examples of the use of Python and SQL for Health Data Analytics and Visualization
Introduce the fundamentals of Python and SQL using simple examples
Provide Hands-On Experience on how to use Python and SQL for Health Data Analytics and Visualization
Prof Patrice Boursier (Programme Director, Master in Health Informatics and Analytics, International Medical University)
Dr Tan Ee Xion (Programme Director, Bachelor in Digital Health, International Medical University)
Workshop 2 Computational Structure-based Screening and Explicit Molecular Dynamics Dr Vasudeva Rao Avupati (Senior Lecturer, International Medical University) |
A two-day cloud-based workshop targeting structure-based drug design (SBDD). Both theory and hands-on training will be provided by experienced computational chemists. Participants will be facilitated in small group interactive sessions with personalised instructions.
To obtain knowledge in the theory and concept of structure-based drug design
To perform molecular docking and analyse the protein-ligand interactions
To perform molecular dynamics and analyse the dynamic behaviour of the protein and ligand interactions
Dr Vasudeva Rao Avupati (Senior Lecturer, International Medical University)
Dr Cheong Siew Lee (Senior Lecturer, International Medical University)
Mak-Kit Kay (Lecturer, International Medical University)
Schrodinger Team
Workshop 3 Computer-assisted Structure Elucidation and Verification of Natural Products Dr Sreenivasa Rao Sagineedu (Senior Lecturer, International Medical University) |
Throughout the 2-day workshop, the participants will be gaining essential knowledge and skills in structure elucidation of natural products using traditional and computer-assisted approaches. At the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to confidently solve the structures of small molecules by interpreting NMR and MASS spectra.
To discuss the principles and applications of NMR and mass spectroscopy
To process NMR data and perform spectral analysis
To interpret the 1D- and 2D-NMR and MASS spectra using traditional and computer-assisted approaches
To elucidate the structures of small organic molecules by analysing various spectra
Dr Sreenivasa Rao Sagineedu (Senior Lecturer, International Medical University)
Milesh Joseph (Application Scientist, ACD/Labs)
Dr Teo Chian Ying (Lecturer, International Medical University)
Dr Low May Lee (Senior Lecturer, International Medical University)
Workshop 4 Applying 'Quality by Design' (QbD) in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form Development Dr Prakash Muthudoss (Advance Analytics, Oncogen Pharma(M) Sdn Bhd) |
The industrial manufacturers always seek to reduce the time needed for the product development and optimisation of a manufacturing process without compromising the quality. One of the industry initiatives to supported by regulations on product development is the quality by design (QbD).  The QbD is a systematic approach to development that begins with predefined objectives and emphasizes product and process understanding and process control, based on sound science and quality risk management. The design of experiment (DOE) is greatly used in the optimization of products, formulations, and processes. This workshop will provide an overview of QbD through lectures and hands-on experience on DOE.  This workshop will help participants to understand the DOE process and trouble shoot possible errors encountered. In addition, the workshop will be a platform for interaction between academia and industry.
To highlight the significance of QbD in the product development cycle
To discover the optimization principles using DOE
To provide understanding of various DOE models
To provide networking and collaboration opportunities between academia and pharma industry
Dr Prakash Muthudoss (Senior Manager, Advance Analytics, Oncogen Pharma(M) Sdn Bhd)
Dr Vinod L. Gaikwad (Assistant Professor, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) Hajipur, India)
Samir Das (Manager, Formulation Development, Oncogen Pharma (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd)
Dr Thiagarajan Madheswaran (Senior Lecturer, Acting Head of Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, International Medical University)