Pre-Conference Webinar Series [Click to Join Here] Title : How do we practice cultural competency and humility in palliative care? Dr Lee Ai Chong, University Malaya Title : Teaching culturally competent health care in neonatal medicine Associate Professor Dr Azanna Ahmad Kamar, University Malaya |
Webinar Q&A session |
Pre-Conference Webinar Series [Click to Join Here] Title : Bioethics of managing death: Comparisons between NIPAH epidemic (1998-9) and COVID-19 pandemic (2020-21) in Malaysia Dato’ Dr Patrick S K Tan, Anesthetist and Intensivist Title : Is it time to introduce legislation on advance decisions in Malaysia? Dr Mark Kiak Min Tan, Universiti Teknologi MARA |
Webinar Q&A session |
Pre-Conference Webinar Series [Click to Join Here] Title : Social impact of a pandemic on the marginalised: can we ever be realistic in resolving the issues of equitable health care access? Associate Professor Dr Erwin Jiayuan Khoo, International Medical University Title : Solidarity in crisis - the ethical appeal and realistic approaches to healthcare professional’s refusal to manage patients with COVID-19 Dr Hui Siu Tan, Ampang Hospital |
Webinar Q&A session |
Lunch & Poster Viewing |
Welcome remarks [Click to Join Here] |
Associate Professor Dr Erwin Jiayuan Khoo, International Medical University |
Opening Keynote Title : Ethics, Politics, Policies and Health: What COVID-19 Shows Us Dr Khor Swee Kheng, Associate Fellow, Chatham House, United Kingdom |
Oral papers presentations |
MRCPCH & M. Med (Paediatrics) Clinical Examination Preparatory Workshop: Pearls from Malaysian RCPCH & M. Med Examiners - A workshop for medical students, house officers, medical officers and paediatric trainees that focuses on the postgraduate examination’s “communication and ‘ethics’ stations†Associate Professor Datuk Dr Soo Thian Lian & Dr Irene Cheah |
Poster Viewing |
[Click to Join Here] Keynote address - Can we afford diversity in response to COVID-19 vaccine mandates? Professor John Lantos, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Missouri, Kansas City, Founding Director of the Children’s Mercy Hospital Bioethics Centre & Glasnapp Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Bioethics, US. |
Break & Poster Viewing |
Clinical Ethics Consultation in the
Neonatal Unit / Clinical Ethics
Consultation in the Paediatric Ward –
Workshop Plenaries, Interactive Case Discussions Professor John Lantos & Professor Brian Carter, Chairman, Department of Medical Humanities & Bioethics, University of Missouri-Kansas City, School of Medicine, US. |
Ethics and Values - Caught or Taught? Plenary and Q&A session Associate Professor Marion Aw, Department of Paediatrics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Singapore |
Lunch & Poster Viewing |
Medical Ethics – Workshop Have you ever been in a situation where you felt that there was an ethical issue with a patient, and you weren’t sure how to manage it? Ethical issues are commonplace in the practice of medicine. This session is designed to get you thinking about ethical issues in practice and develop ways of working through clinical problems. Professor Paul Komesaroff, Physician and Professor of Medicine at Monash University and Executive Director of Global Reconciliation, Australia |
Break & Poster Viewing |
Ethics and Health Communication in
English: Tackling the Consequences of
Colonial Era Linguicism and Racism Plenary and Q&A session Professor Saroj Jayasinghe, Consultant at Faculty of Medicine, Sabragamuwa University, Sri Lanka and Founder Head, Department of Medical Humanities University of Colombo, Sri Lanka |
What’s Up With Everyone? A campaign led by Professor Crawford with academy-award winning Aardman Animations (Shaun the Sheep), research teams at the universities of Nottingham, Loughborough, and London School of Economics and Politics. This campaign is a series of animated stories and companion website that aims to increase young people’s mental health literacy. Professor Paul Crawford, School of Nursing, The University of Nottingham, Derby, UK. |
Effectively incorporating key ethical
concepts into residency training Plenary and Q&A session Associate Professor Dr Stefan Kutzsche, Physician and special Plenary and Q&A session advisor for Education at Oslo University Hospital, Norway |
Poster Viewing |
[Click to Join Here] |
Keynote address - Science in the spotlight: knowledge, culture and politics in the era of COVID Professor Paul Komesaroff |
Break & Poster Viewing |
Clinical Ethics Consultation with the
Adolescent / Clinical Ethics Consultation
in Palliative Care – Workshop Plenaries, Interactive Case Discussions and Q&A session Professor John Lantos & Professor Brian Carter |
Break & Poster Viewing |
Consent is a dialogue, not a form. Consent and assent in paediatric research in low-income settings Associate Professor Dr Cheah Phaik Yeong, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford. Involving families and children in online research Associate Professor Dr Calvin W.L. Ho, Faculty of Law, Co-Director of Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, University of Hong Kong. When can the child speak for herself? The limits of parental consent from a legal perspective Associate Professor Dr Mark Taylor, Health Law and Regulation and Deputy Director of the research group HeLEX, Melbourne Law School Q&A session |
Prize-giving for free paper sessions, debriefing, focus group discussion and closing |
+603 2731 7669 / 7072 / 7331
International Medical University,
No. 126, Jalan Jalil Perkasa 19,
Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia