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Low Chia Yen

“Never in my life have I thought that I could play a role in the community, by contributing and giving back to the society. A simple smile, a simple delicate touch, a simple game activity and the amount of time and effort that was poured out all in exchange for the benefit of others is the greatest reward of all. The most important thing that I have learnt through involvement in community service/activities was to appreciate life and to constantly be grateful for the things that I have. I have learnt to be selfless and to think of others instead of me, me and me”

About the Winner

Chia Yen is currently in her final year of her nursing degree and upon graduation, she intends to work as a registered staff nurse. She will continue her active involvement in community service especially in activities catering to children’s needs.

Beneficiary of Donation

Malaysia Association for Welfare of Mentally Challenged Children


IMU Nursing