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Shinah Saeed

“I believe that part of what makes me a better healthcare professional is the ability to be empathetic towards people from all walks of life. However, this might be a bit difficult if I never had to survive on RM 20 for two entire weeks or if I had to hold off going to the clinic even when I am sick, just because I could not afford that. Therein lies my passion to be kind to everyone I meet. Being a student on scholarship and knowing my parents could not afford to send me money whenever I am broke, I have had to do both and much more. Therefore, when I see a patient considering not getting a certain medication just because it is expensive, I am able to empathise with them because I have been there, and I have done that.”

About the Winner

During the E-University Day which was virtually held on 24 July 2020, it was the first time in the history of the Aflame Student Award, under the provision of “Judges’ Special Award for Aflame Student Award”, that there were three winners for 2020. The judges saw that it was fair for everyone to be winners as all three finalists were equally and exceptionally good for their contribution to the community. The recipients of the award were given the opportunity to nominate a beneficiary of their interest to receive a donation of RM2,000 in hopes of continuous support to aid the community. Shinah is a final year student pursuing her medical degree in International Medical University. She believes that the experiences during these activities developed her being empathetic towards people from all walks of life and made her a better healthcare professional. She is involved in Dream Bigger; Reaching Out – DBRO which gave her the opportunity to explore the humanitarian side of herself more and at the same time helped to open her eyes to those who were less fortunate.

Beneficiary of Donation

MERCY Malaysia


IMU Medical (MBBS)