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Forum with Industry Leaders: Career Preparedness for IMU Biomedical Science Graduates

21 Sep 2021

Since the launch of the Graduate Preparedness Advisory Committee (GPAC) in 2018, the School of Health Sciences has organised a series of online Graduate Preparedness Advisory Committee (GPAC) forums to align industry-university expectations on health science graduates. Graduate readiness for the workforce is a critical outcome for IMU graduates, impacting employability and career paths especially in challenging times.

On 18 August 2021, the Division of Applied Biomedical Science and Biotechnology organised an ‘Online Forum with GPAC Members – Biomedical Science’. This year, the forum’s theme ‘Career Prospects for Biomedical Science graduates – Opportunities and Advancement’ was designed based on the expectations and feedback from biomedical science undergraduates.

The forum started with Prof BY Chin, Associate Dean for Research & External Affairs, School of Health Sciences welcoming all guest speakers and participants to the forum. This virtual event on the Zoom platform enabled over 100 first- to final-year biomedical science students to participate in an interactive session with industry representatives.

Industry Representatives at the 2021 Graduate Preparedness Advisory Committee Forum
Mr Goh Mun Hon Principal Medical Lab Scientist National Heart Institute Mr Goh outlined the career prospects for biomedical science graduates in the hospital setting. He quizzed the participants on their awareness about the employability of graduates beyond the medical laboratory – job positions which include the quality management department executive, cardiovascular technologist, perfusionist, and even clinical research assistants/officers.
Dato’ Chevy Beh Founder and CEO BookDoc Dato’ Chevy provided an alternative perspective on career opportunities beyond the laboratory, highlighting the challenges and triumphs in growing a tech start-up from a platform to engage doctors to a multi-tier, one-stop virtual centre for healthcare. He advised students to be pro-active and embody a positive, resilient attitude with a drive for learning.
Mr Shashi Kumar Business Manager, Core Accounts Roche Molecular Solutions Mr Shashi shared on the career opportunities in the pharmaceuticals and diagnostics industry for biomedical science graduates. He also highlighted on the various online learning platforms that undergraduates can engage in to add valued skill sets to their curriculum vitae.

The forum culminated with an interactive session, where participants asked questions on making wise career choices, and how to prepare themselves adequately for employment. All speakers agreed that employers value work experience and involvement in extra-curricular activities, apart from academic credentials.

The participants shared that the forum very enlightening and beneficial for their career preparedness.

After the forum, Mr Shashi and Mr Goh joined a discussion with the biomedical science faculty to address issues such as adequacy of the biomedical science curriculum to prepare students for the workforce, and perspectives on the future directions of the profession.

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