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Reach your full potential with a Postgraduate Degree

31 Jul 2013

Are you a healthcare professional interested in having an advanced qualification that represents the next step on your professional ladder? Are you interested in an opportunity to advance or change your career? If this is what you are interested in, consider studying for a postgraduate degree. Analytical and pharmaceutical chemistry may be an area you may be interested in. This gives you the opportunity to upgrade your knowledge, understanding and skills in the areas of analytical chemistry as well as expand your experiences in the pharmaceutical arena. You will have the skills, knowledge and expertise in becoming an advanced practitioner in drug analysis, natural products, management systems, critical thinking and research methodology design as well as quality control and regulatory science. Molecular Medicine provides you with a solid theoretical knowledge in the area of molecular medicine focusing on the molecular mechanisms underlying the normal functioning of cells as well as diseased cells. You will get to learn to identify scientific research questions in clinical observations and to translate laboratory findings into medical treatments. Another area of interest may be in public health. The knowledge gained will make you a more effective contributor in this field of healthcare. You would possess an understanding of the science and art of Public Health including concepts of health and disease, and the factors that influence them. This acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitude will enable you to practice your knowledge in a wide range of service and academic settings. As a healthcare professional, you may be interested to be involved in research in medical and health sciences. By doing this research, you would have the opportunity to develop an in-depth knowledge of a discipline and become familiar with current techniques and methodologies. In order to enhance your knowledge in any one of these areas, you would need to undergo a postgraduate course which will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills. Postgraduate programmes in these fields of study are offered at the International Medical University (IMU), Malaysia’s first and most established private medical and healthcare university founded 21 years ago.

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